Frequently Asked Questions

Explore our comprehensive Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section for detailed insights and clarifications.

Payment duration

You’ll receive payment for your session in your wallet after receiving confirmation of session completed by your student.

Introductory video must include the following:

  • 1. Your Full Name
  • 2. Where you are from
  • 3. What subjects, languages, and skills do you teach
  • 4. In what languages can you tutor

Video Checklist:

  • Your video Must be a maximum of 30 seconds
  • Landscape mode
  • Use Your mobile phone to record
  • Audible and High-quality video

At the end of the session, the student will get to rate your performance. Make sure to remind your student to review you before the end of the session. A good review increases the number of student you’ll get

Your profile and price will determine if the student will like to hire you or not and if the student likes you, they will request to start a session with you.

The introductory video of yourself will present your communication skills, the subjects that you teach and in what language can you teach them. This will be visible in your profile to students and it will help them decide if you are fit for the problem they want to solve.

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